Thursday, September 23, 2010

Challnge 1 September 2010

Challnge 1 September 2010
I've started my first challnge of blogging 2010.  Ithing the challnge's look hard but ar simple 

Why people should look at my blog

I think people should visit my blog because I think my blog is very interesting and they could learn some thing or to of my blog and I might learn something of there blog.  I will be writing about my holiday's coming up.

My theme

I chose this theme because I thought it look cool on my blog.  I thought the theme had a good backround and a good style of art. 

Monday, September 20, 2010

Blog and birthday

Today I have started my blog.  I think my blog is cool.  Tomorrow it is my cousin's birthday I can't wait because he is funny and cool.